CORE 1929H Honors Methods of Inquiry: Fall2018, Spring2019
COSC 1010 Intro to Software Problem Solving:
Fall 2010
COSC 1020 Object-Oriented Software Design:
Spring 2018
COSC 2100 Data Structures:
Fall 2014,
Fall 2018
COSC 2200 Hardware Systems:
Fall2016, Fall 2015
COSC 3250 Operating Systems:
Spring 2025,
Spring 2024,
Spring 2023,
Spring 2022,
Fall 2020,
Spring 2010 - 2020
COSC 3300 Networks and Internets:
Fall 2012,
Fall 2011,
Fall 2010
COSC 3410 Programming Languages:
Fall 2023,
Spring 2022,
Spring 2021,
Fall 2016,
Fall 2015,
Fall 2012,
Fall 2011
COSC 4290 Embedded Systems:
Spring 2014,
Spring 2012,
Spring 2010
COSC 4300 Networks and Internets:
Fall 2014
COSC 4400 Compiler Construction:
Fall 2022,
Fall 2020,
Spring 2015, Spring 2013
COSC 4920 Principles of Design:
Fall 2024,
Fall 2019,
Fall 2018
COSC 4998 Senior Design Project:
Spring 2020
Spring 2019
COSC 6270 Advanced Operating Systems:
Spring 2020
My research interests span several areas of computing. My
work primarily centers on building tools to help those who
design, build, or teach complex systems, with particular focus on
Embedded, Real-time, and Interrupt-Driven Systems, Programming
Languages and Software Engineering.
In the past decade, I have been the principal investigator on just over
$5 million of extramural grant funding from the National Science Foundation,
Cisco, Google, Intel and others. My ongoing projects include:
I direct Marquette University's relationship with as the Regional Partner for Wisconsin.
I have been the lead co-author of Computer Science: An Overview,
since 2014, taking over Glenn Brookshear's groundbreaking series that pioneered the breadth-first introductory approach to our field.
Computer Science: An Overview.
J. Glenn Brookshear, with David Smith and Dennis Brylow.
Addison-Wesley, 2011.
Eleventh edition, ISBN No: 978-0132569033