An address book entry includes a full name, a street address, a municipality, a state, a ZIP code, a phone number, and an e-mail address. Create a class "AddressEntry" that will represent address book entries in your program.
An address book contains an arbitrary number of entries. Create a class "AddressBook" that contains methods for reading, writing, and sorting address book entries.
The main program of your Address Book should take as an optional command-line parameter the name of a text file that contains address book entries, one field per line. If invoked with this file name, your Address Book should read in the named file to populate the initial Address Book.
The main program of the Address Book should offer five functions, detailed below:
The Professor has provided a reference implementation for you to compare against. Change to directory ~brylow/cosc1010/Demos/Project10/ on Morbius, and run java AddressBook book.txt.