Running a Kernel Image with arm-console

After making your Embedded Xinu kernel image, you are now ready to run your kernel on a backend machine. To transfer it there, we have a special utility called arm-console. Execute arm-console in the compile directory where your xinu.boot file resides. arm-console will connect your terminal to the first available backend machine, and you should see a message like:
   connection 'vervoid', class 'rpi3', host ''
depending on which backend you get. This will be immediately followed by a stream of automated commands as the embedded target system boots, configures its network settings, and uploads your xinu.boot kernel.

The most important thing to remember about arm-console is that it is modal, like vim. You start out in direct connection mode, in which your terminal connects directly through special hardware to the serial console on your backend machine. To get out of arm-console, hit Control-Space, followed by the 'q' key.

The arm-console utility is a wrapper around a more general tool called xinu-console. To learn more about the Xinu Console system, please see the man pages for xinu-console and xinu-status.

For the ARM-based Raspberry Pi 3 boards, the command xinu-status -c rpi3 lists the status of all backends in the pool "rpi3".

[ DWB 2022 Feb 09 ]