Submit: Turn in your moneypile.c
source file
using the turnin command
on or one of the
other Systems
Lab machines.
Work is to be completed individually. Be certain to include
your name in the file. You may submit multiple times, but only the
last turnin will be kept. The automatic submission system will not
accept work after the deadline. (See turnin instructional
video HERE. Note that the
video is for a different course number, and that Morbius's domain
name has changed since the video was
Include a comment block at the very top of each file that
contains the following:
* COSC 3250 - Project #
* Explain briefly the functionality of the program.
* @author [your name]
* Instructor [your instructor]
* TA-BOT:MAILTO [your email address]
Currency Caching
The Virtual Money Pile
Lord Xinu (Dark Lord of the RISC) is pleased by your progress in
helping him to convert his vast sums of loose, multi-national pocket
change into U.S. Dollars, but now requires help with a different
As donations stream in from grateful open source embedded
systems developers from around the globe, Lord Xinu's minions must
sort the currency as it arrives according to type. Being a stickler
for queuing behavior, Lord Xinu demands that the money on the bottom
(first in) be the last to be logged in his ledger (last out), each
according to its currency.
You are to construct a virtual money pile, which tracks each
donation as it is placed in a pile with like currency, and then
reads each pile of currency back out in reverse order.
The Program
Write a C program that reads in an arbitrarily long
sequence of positive integer currency values (in the style
of Project 1), and outputs each
category of currency in reverse order.
Your converter should understand dollars ('$'), Euros
('€'), British pounds sterling ('£'), the Japanese Yen
('¥'), and the Indian Rupee ('₹'). This should reuse
code from your previous project.
Your program should ignore any amount of white space between
currency values, including tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. See
the isspace() function in your text or in the man pages
for details. However, your output should place each currency
value on a line by itself.
When the end of input ("EOF") is reached, the piles should be
printed in order of dollars, British pounds sterling, Japanese
Yen, Euros, and finally Indian Rupees.
To store an arbitrary list of integers, your program will need to
request more memory from the operating system when the space it
already has runs out. This kind of dynamic allocation is
performed using the malloc() function, as detailed in
your text and in the man pages. You may assume that we will test
your program with at least 100,000,000 integers. Your program
should exit gracefully if a malloc() request is
The professor has provided an example program for your reference,
executable on all lab machines
as ~brylow/os/Projects/moneypile. In addition, there is a
test generator executable
as ~brylow/os/Projects/randomcurrency. The test
generator takes a single command-line parameter for the number of
values desired, and then outputs a predictable sequence of
pseudo-random numbers [Wikipedia] using
a linear
congruential generator [Wikipedia] and rotating through the
various currencies.
- There are a variety of approaches for storing an arbitrarily
long list of integers. The approach I recommend is building a
linked list of structures that store a reasonable number of
integers. So, for example, you could define a struct that
contains an array of a few thousand integers. Every time you fill
up that structure, request another one and string it into a linked
list with all of the previous blocks. This is an excellent
balance in efficiency -- if your block size were too small (one
integer per malloc() in the most absurd case,) your
program would spend most of its time asking the O/S to allocate
more memory. If the block size were too large, (say, a Gigabyte,)
your program would needlessly waste resources when the input was
only a small list, and might not even be able to allocate a single
chunk that large.
- This project is inherently dangerous; please exercise both
great care and ethical consideration during this assignment. For
large numbers of integers, this program is essentially a stress
test for the operating system's virtual memory subsystem. On
Elsinore (a late model 3 GHz Pentium IV) running my program with a
test list of 1,000,000,000 runs for over 15 minutes, and
practically locks up all user interfaces for the last 10 minutes
of that. The reference implementation, in combination with the
test generator, can bring pretty much any server to its knees in a
matter of minutes. As a result, there is a particularly important
list of DO NOTs for this project:
- DO NOT run your program with a large test
size on Morbius or Pascal, or any other large server relied upon
by multiple users.
- DO NOT pipe the output
of billionrandom or your program to a text file for
list sizes over a few million. If you do the math, you'll see
that this could quickly fill up the space in your home
directory (and thus the home directories of everyone else on
the same server hard disk) and clog up the network with file
server traffic.
- DO check your dynamic allocation code by
adjusting your block size downward to insure that even small
numbers of integers will require multiple malloc()
- DO check your malloc() error
handling by adjusting your block size upward until your first
request fails.
- DO run your program with large test input
(more than a few million) only once you are relatively certain
it is working properly -- so that you only have to do it once.
- DO NOT run large test cases when it is
apparent that a bunch of other people are trying to do their
work on the same machine. See the top and w
UNIX commands for more info.
- For reference, your assignments will be compiled and graded on
The Systems
Lab machines run the Linux operating system. If you need a
refresher on using the UNIX environment, please see
UNIX Tutorial.
- The reference implementation is considered an integral part of the
specifications for this assignment. Project grades will be based in
significant part upon an automated comparison of behavior against the
reference implementation. Devise test cases to discover the expected
behavior, and do your best to match it precisely. Creativity will be
valued in later assignments, but first one must master the tools.
- Use the electronic turnin system to submit your work.
The command is "turnin", followed by the name(s) of files(s) you
wish to submit. The command "turnin -v" will print a listing
verifying the contents of your submission. See "turnin -h" for
a list of other relevant options. The system does not accept work
after the deadline, and neither does the professor.
[Revised 2020 Jan 22 11:36 DWB]