Build upon the Embedded Xinu shell command ethdump to capture and classify packets from a live network.
A starting tarball is available at ~brylow/cosc3300/Projects/xinu-project4.tgz.
Modify the ethdump shell command to display the Ethernet header fields (destination, source, and type) in hexadecimal.
Add a command-line option to the shell that displays a short name for the type you encounter. A list of Ethernet types can be found HERE. It is sufficient to cover just the common types you encounter.
Add a command-line option to identify OUIs for the frames you encounter. (See the link above.)
Indicate frames that contain broadcast or multicast addresses.
Display a set number of frame payload bytes in both hex and as characters. (Map unprintable characters to ".".)
A listing of MAC addresses for the lab can be found on Morbius in /usr/local/adm/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf. Add a command-line option to your shell command to translate MAC addresses in the frames it recieves to host names.