Project #9: Register Allocation

Submit: Turn in your written solutions to this project (PDF format) in the D2L DropBox provided.

Work must be completed individually, as this is practice for the final exam problem.

One Reg, Two Reg, Red Reg, Blue Reg

Consider this simple code fragment:

L0: a = r1
    b = r3
    c = r4
    r1 = a + 5
    call func1
    d = r1
L1: r1 = d
    r2 = 0
    call func2
    e = d + r1
    r1 = e
    if e < 10 goto L1
    r4 = c
    r3 = b
    return (r1,r3,r4 live out)

The code has been compiled for a target architecture with four (4) registers:

  1. Build the control flow graph for this program fragment, and perform liveness analysis on it. Show the in and out sets for each node in the graph. (There should be one node for each line of code.)
  2. Construct the interference graph for the program fragment, using solid lines to show interference, and dotted lines to show MOVE relations.
  3. Show the steps for register allocation (graph coloring with conservative coalescing) for this program in detail, as described in lecture and pages 229–232 of the textbook. When choosing nodes for potential spills, use the spill priority heuristic (number of defs + number of uses)/degree. Note which criteria you use for conservative coalescing.
  4. Show the final program after register allocation, with redundant moves removed.


[Revised 2022 Dec 02 12:09 DWB]