Errata list for 13th Edition of "Computer Science: An Overview" ============================================================== p. 33: Section 1.1 Questions and Exercises, Question 4 a and b have the logic gate graphics reversed. [Thanks to Joe Parks from Wake Tech for pointing this out!] p. 426: Section 8.1 Basic Data Structures, "Python Lists" sidebar has a misleading statement in the last line. By default, the built-in Python function pop() removes the last element from a list and returns it. To use a Python list as a FIFO queue with the built-in functions pop() and append(), pop() would need to be called on the first index: pop(0). That way, elements would be added to the tail of the list and removed from the head. Using only pop() (without parameters) and append() on a Python list would mean using it as a LIFO stack where the tail of the list is the top of the stack, not as a FIFO queue. [Thanks to Tim Korolev at Marquette for pointing this out!] p. 450: Figure 8.24, second line of code should be, "if (Tree is not None):". The "not" is missing.