Md Kamrul Hasan

Kamrul Hasan is a Northwestern Mutual Postdoctoral Fellow
of Computer Science at Marquette University. He
works on human computer
interaction and mobile health. His
focus is on investigating how smartphone-based non-invasive point-of-care tool design principles and solutions can be used to improve the effectiveness of remote health care services. The goals of these works are to investigate the design
principles and biological foundation to build clinically acceptable diagnostic tool in a smartphone device. He received
an Arthur J. Schmitt Leadership Fellowship (2018) at Marquette University, USA, Japanese Government Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship (2014) at Kyushu University, Japan, and Opera Universitaria Scholarship (2007-2009) at University of Trento, Italy (Web CV).
Mar, 2019
Manuscript has been submitted to Science Translational Medicine titled "Virtual hyperspectral imaging of peripheral tissue – mHematology for blood hemoglobin measurements".
Nov, 2018
Manuscript has been submitted to Journal of Social Science & Medicine titled "Parents who choose any of these treatment options love their child the same: Giving voice to parents in the development of the Preemie Prep for Parents (P3) mHealth App (Accepted)".
Selected Publications

Smartphone-based prenatal education for parents with preterm birth risk factors
U Olivia Kim, K Barnekow, Sheikh I. Ahamed, S Dreier, C Jones, M Taylor,Md Kamrul Hasan , and MA Basir
Patient education and counseling, 2019.
U Olivia Kim, K Barnekow, Sheikh I. Ahamed, S Dreier, C Jones, M Taylor,
Patient education and counseling, 2019.

Smarthelp: Smartphone-based hemoglobin level prediction using an artificial neural network
Md Kamrul Hasan , Md Munirul Haque, Riddhiman Adib, Jannatul F. Tumpa, Richard R. Love, Young L. Kim, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, American Medical Informatics Association, 2018.
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, American Medical Informatics Association, 2018.

Smartphone-based Human Hemoglobin Level Measurement Analyzing Pixel Intensity of a Fingertip Video on Different Color Spaces
Md Kamrul Hasan , Md Munirul Haque, Nazmus Sakib, Richard Love, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
Smart Health, 2018.
Smart Health, 2018.

Rgb pixel analysis of fingertip video image captured from sickle cell patient with low and high level of hemoglobin
Md Kamrul Hasan , Nazmus Sakib, Richard Love, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 2017.
Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), 2017.

A novel real-time non-invasive hemoglobin level detection using video images from smartphone camera
Golam MT Ahsan, Md O Gani,Md Kamrul Hasan , Mohammad Adibuzzaman, Joshua Field, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2017.
Golam MT Ahsan, Md O Gani,
Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2017.

Activity detection using time-delay embedding in multi-modal sensor system
Ferdaus Kawsar,Md Kamrul Hasan , Tanvir Roushan, William C Chu, Richard Love, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, 2016.
Ferdaus Kawsar,
International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, 2016.

Pain level detection from facial image captured by smartphone
Md Kamrul Hasan , Golam Mushih Tanimul Ahsan, Rechard Love, Reza Salim, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
Information Processing Society of Japan, 2016.
Information Processing Society of Japan, 2016.

A novel activity detection system using plantar pressure sensors and smartphone
Ferdaus Kawsar,Md Kamrul Hasan , Rechard Love, and Sheikh I. Ahamed
Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2015.
Ferdaus Kawsar,
Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2015.

Smartphone-based light and sound intensity calculation application for accessibility measurement
Nadiyah Johnson, Piyush Saxena, Drew Williams, Ola Claire Bangole,Md Kamrul Hasan , Rechard Love, and Sheikh I. Ahamed Roger O Smith, and Dennis Tomashek
RESNA Annual Conference, 2015.
Nadiyah Johnson, Piyush Saxena, Drew Williams, Ola Claire Bangole,
RESNA Annual Conference, 2015.