In our twelveth lab, you will (1) perform a disassembly and (2) work on your current assignment.
- Get a fresh copy of the HW8 playground (containing a template C file):
tar xvzf ~pmcgee6/cosc2200/pi3Playground.tgz
- Write a simple program in the C template, for example, get a character and print it.
- Compile your program with "make".
- Perform an object dump that disassembles the previously assembled source code:
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D xinu.elf > output.txt
- View your output.txt file with a text editor like vim. Search for the name of your program _main_ with vim's search tool (press "/" and type a search string)
- Examine the program and discuss its details with your partner. Does it look like something you would have written in ARM assembly? Is it different? How?
- When you are finished, you can work on the current assignment (Decoder in C), and ask questions to your TA.