Lab 12: Disassembly and Decoder -- 4/16/2020

COSC 2200, Spring 2020

Marquette University, Department of Computer Science


In our twelveth lab, you will (1) perform a disassembly and (2) work on your current assignment.

  1. Get a fresh copy of the HW8 playground (containing a template C file):
    tar xvzf ~pmcgee6/cosc2200/pi3Playground.tgz
  2. Write a simple program in the C template, for example, get a character and print it.
  3. Compile your program with "make".
  4. Perform an object dump that disassembles the previously assembled source code:
    arm-none-eabi-objdump -D xinu.elf > output.txt
  5. View your output.txt file with a text editor like vim. Search for the name of your program _main_ with vim's search tool (press "/" and type a search string)
  6. Examine the program and discuss its details with your partner. Does it look like something you would have written in ARM assembly? Is it different? How?
  7. When you are finished, you can work on the current assignment (Decoder in C), and ask questions to your TA.