Lab 11: Intro to C -- 4/7/2020

COSC 2200, Spring 2020

Marquette University, Department of Computer Science


In our eleventh lab, you will write a simple program in C with your partner.

  1. Get a fresh copy of today's Lab Playground (containing a template C file):
    tar xvzf ~pmcgee6/cosc2200/labPlayground.tgz
  2. Listen to your TA teach you about basics of C.
  3. Solve the problem. Show a demo to the TA when finished.

TODO: String Trimmer

Write a program that takes character input from the user and only keeps the even digits and lowercase vowels. You can assume the max input size is 16 characters.

Enter string: 1234computer Result: 24oue All user process have completed.