Work is to be completed in teams of two. Your source file should be in the EoPL dialect ("#lang eopl" at top of file) supported by DrRacket, and should not make use of non-standard features like comment boxes that produce an XML file rather than a flat text .scm file.
At the bottom of your hw6.scm, please include the line:
(provide scan&parse run)
Your hw6-test.scm file should be a SchemeUnit testsuite, as shown in class.
Extend your grammar from the previous assignment to include the following productions:
<expression> | ::= | ( let* ( { ( <identifier> <expression> ) }* ) <expression> ) |
let*-exp (vars exps body) | ||
| | ( letrec ( { ( <identifier> ( lambda ( { <identifier> }* ) <expression> )) }* ) <expression> ) | |
letrec-exp (p-names b-varss p-bodies letrec-body) |
Add primitive operators cons, car, cdr, null?, emptylist, and list.
This language is a close relative to the LETREC language of EoPL Chapter 3, with more familiar Scheme syntax, and extensions corresponding to exercises 3.9 (list processing), 3.10 (list operator), and 3.33 (multiple letrecs).
Augment your μλ interpreter code from the previous assignment with code from the LETREC interpreter in EoPL section 3.4, (particularly page 86) to interpret the μREC language.
Your interpreter should still be executed with the run function:
run : String → SchemeVal > (run "(letrec ((fact (lambda (x) (cond ((equal 0 x) 1) (else (mul x (fact (sub x 1)))))))) (fact 5))")
All of your testcases from the previous assignment should still work.
Your interpreter should be creating an internal representation of S-expressions based on a define-datatype of your design. The primitive operators cons, cdr, and so forth, should be operating over your internal representation, not Scheme's native representation. For this to work out properly, there must be judicious "unwrapping" of your S-expressions whenever it is necessary to translate back to Scheme's native representation.
Here's an excellent testcase once your interpreter is fully functional:
> (run "((car (car (cdr (list (lambda (x) (add x 1))
(cons (lambda (y) (mul y 2))
(lambda (z) (mod z 3))) ))))
(let* ((x 5) (y (mul x 2)) (z (mul y 2)))
(if (lesser y z)
(div 100 y)
(sub 100 x))))")
> 20