volatile unsigned int | gpfsel [6] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_a |
volatile unsigned int | gpset [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_b |
volatile unsigned int | gpclr [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_c |
volatile unsigned int | gplev [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_d |
volatile unsigned int | gpeds [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_e |
volatile unsigned int | gpren [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_f |
volatile unsigned int | gpfen [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_g |
volatile unsigned int | gphen [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_h |
volatile unsigned int | gplen [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_i |
volatile unsigned int | gparen [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_j |
volatile unsigned int | gpafen [2] |
volatile unsigned int | do_not_use_k |
volatile unsigned int | gppud |
volatile unsigned int | gppudclk [2] |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- /users/home/pmcgee6/raxinu/19_ra/xinu/system/platforms/arm-rpi3/rpi_gpio.h