Embedded Xinu Operating System
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trig.c File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
#include <framebuffer.h>


double power (double base, int exp)
long factorial (int num)
double cosine_taylor (double x, int terms)
double cos (int x)
double sine_taylor (double x, int terms)
double sin (int x)

Detailed Description

Provides sine and cosine for Taylor series. Cannot handle values above 215 degrees–will cause overflow. To correct this, only compute values between 0 and 90. Answers are not exactly accurate, but accurate enough for our purposes.

Function Documentation

double sin ( int  x)

Compute the sine using the Taylor approximation as a helper function Note: For graphics purposes, the sine must always be turned negative because a monitor is technically in quadrant 4 instead of quadrant 1.

xAngle, in degrees
Double-precision result of the computation